XR Lab moved in Digital Futures
As the director of the Extended Reality lab (XR-Lab), I am thrilled to report that our XR-Lab has moved into the new Digital Futures Building at UC.
Our Lab will continue to broaden the scope of collaborations, using our expertise in both academic and professional fields in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality. We look forward to the long-standing collaborative relationships with faculty at the UC Digital Futures, Criminology and Justice program at CECH, Civil Engineering program, and transportation program at CEAS, Live Well Collaborative, Council on Ageing, Cincinnati Insurance Company, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center.
Please visit our lab after August 2022 to check out the exciting lab space and facilities at the new UC Digital Future Building.
Room: 200 at Smart Connected Wing, & 207 VR?AR Center, Digital Future Building
3044 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206
Ming Tang, tangmg@ucmail.uc.edu
Director of Extended Reality Lab, University of Cincinnati.