Exhibitions, Expo, conference demo, radio, and social media:
All 12 /agent 0 /Artificial Intelligence 0 /Augmented_Reality 0 /Award 0 /behavior 0 /China 0 /computation 0 /crowd_behavior 0 /Design_Build 0 /Digi_Fab 0 /digital_twin 0 /driving_sim 0 /Exhibition 9 /eye_tracking 0 /Future_City 0 /Grant 0 /Health_Wellbeing 0 /media 3 /Metaverse 0 /publication 0 /reality_capture 0 /robotic 0 /sustainable 0 /Virtual_Reality 0 /Way_finding 0 /workshop 0 /XR-Lab 0

Artistic Intelligence with AI: Gallery show at Blink
October 21, 2024/by Ming Tang
EVRTalk on iHeart
May 30, 2023/by Ming Tang
Cincinnati Public Radio interview
January 3, 2023/by Ming Tang
o4a AAA Partnership Award
October 24, 2022/by Ming Tang
ADAF Exhibition
September 30, 2022/by Ming Tang
4oA conference & demo
September 9, 2022/by Ming Tang
ASCE presentation
June 2, 2022/by Ming Tang
Augmented Craftmanship @CAADRIA
March 23, 2022/by Ming Tang
Exhibition @ Reed Gallery
March 13, 2022/by Ming Tang
Exhibition: The Architecture Machine
January 24, 2022/by Ming Tang
Exhibition in Expo4Seniors
November 21, 2021/by Ming Tang
AR & VR for “future transportation” show at the UC 1819 innovation hub
October 7, 2018/by Ming TangExhibition image gallery:
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