Books and Project featured.

Books, peer-reviewed journals, conference paper, and publication with my projects featured:

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Book chapters

Peer-reviewed journal 

  1. Cory P. Haberman, Ming Tang, JC Barnes, Clay Driscoll, Bradley J. O’Guinn, Calvin Proffit,. The Effect of Checklists on Evidence Collection During Initial Investigations A Randomized Controlled Trial in Virtual Reality. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 11.2023
  2. Tang, M. Adebisib, A. Using Eye-Tracking for Traffic Control Signage Design at Highway Work Zone. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding.  Vol. 6, No. 2. 2022
  3. Tang.M. Shroyer.N,  Cast-in-place Freeform Concrete with Big Area AdditiveManufacturing Formwork. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 10, No 2, June 2021, 12021005, 1-9. 
  4. Tang. M. Visual Perception: Eye-tracking and Real-timeWalkthroughs in Architectural Design. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Vol 10, No 1, March 2021, 12021001,1-9.
  5. Tang. M. Analysis of Signage using Eye-Tracking Technology. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding. 02. 2020.
  6. Zhao, J, Xu,X. Tang, M. Green infrastructure planning for resilient cities: a case study of Norfolk GI planning. 01.2020. Urban Planning International Journal. ISSN 1673-9493,CN 11-5583/TU
  7. Tang, M. and Auffrey, C. “Advanced Digital Tools for Updating Overcrowded Rail Stations: Using Eye Tracking, Virtual Reality, and Crowd Simulation to Support Design Decision-Making.Urban Rail Transit, December 19, 2018.
  8. Tang, M. Architectural visualization in the age of mixed reality. journal inForma. 11. Autumn 2018.
  9. Tang, M. Hu, Y. Pedestrian simulation in transit stations using agent-based analysis. Urban Rail Transit. 2017. doi:10.1007/s40864-017-0053-5
  10. Tang, M., Marcu, M. Physics Simulation & Form Seeking in Architecture Design Education. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Vol 4, No 4. 2016
  11. Tang, M. ,Jordan, T. Digital Craft:New Mix of Process, Tools and Material.Blur: d3:dialog, international journal of architecture + design. published by d3. 06. 2016
  12. Tang, M. Urban modeling with agent-based system. Perkins +Will Research Journal Vol. 07.02. Special Issue: Future of Architectural Research. 12. 2015
  13. Tang, M., Koesters, H. Parametric Computation: student voices on parametricism and design technique. International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design. Vol 1. 2013.
  14. Tang, M., Anderson, J., Aksamija, A.,Hodge, M. Performative Computation-aided Design Optimization. ARCC journal. Vol. 9. Issue 1. 2013
  15. Aksamija, A., Snapp T., Hodge, M., Tang, M. Re-Skinning: Performance-Based Design and Fabrication of Building Facade Components: Design Computing, Analytics and Prototyping. Perkins + Will Research Journal. Vol. 04.02. 2012
  16. Tang, M. Visualizing GIS Information: Digital fabrication and 3D Diagrammatic Urban Models. Assemble. d3 publications. ISBN:0615652700. 2012
  17. Tang, M., Aksamija, A., Anderson, J.,Hodge, M. Data Driven Transmutation: an investigation of performance based design and adaptive systems. AIA Forward Journal 112. 2012.
  18. Tang, M., Aksamija, A., Hodge, M., Anderson, J. Performance-Driven Design and Prototyping, Design Computation and Fabrication. Perkins + Will Research Journal. 2011 Vol03.02.                           
  19. Tang, M., Yang, D. Echo of Art: Landscape Design in the Age of Modernism & Postmodernism, Urban Space Design, 2008, Vol.2, China, p40-42. 2008         
  20. Tang, M. Real Time Visualization, The Open House International, 2007, Vol.32, London, U.K, p7-16. 2007
  21. Tang, M., Yang, D. Reclaim Industrial Landscape, Urban Space Design, 2007, Vol.5, China, p28-33. 2007
  22. Tang, M., Zhu, W. Urban Text, The Foreign Urban Planning, 1998, Vol.4, China, p10.1998
  23. Tang, M., Li, F. An Evolutional Way for Urban Growing: “Cities with Soul” Project, Urban Age, 1998, Vol.6, China, p22. 1998
  24. Tang, M. The Architecture of Independent (tra nslation), Urban Age, 1998, Vol.6, China, p33.1998

Conference paper 

  1. Ming Tang, Mikhail Nikolaenko, Evv Boerwinkle, Samuel Obafisoye, Aayush Kumar, Mohsen Rezayat, Sven Lehmann, and Tamara Lorenz. (2024). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Traditional Training vs. Immersive Training. In: De Paolis, L.T., Arpaia, P., Sacco, M. (eds) Extended Reality. XR Salento 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15030. Springer, Cham.
  2. Tang, Ming, Jai’La Nored, Matt Anthony, Judy Eschmann, Jennifer Williams, and Linda Dunseath. “VR-based Empathy Experience for Nonprofessional Caregiver Training.” In: De Paolis, L.T., Arpaia, P., Sacco, M. (eds) Extended Reality. XR Salento 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15028. Springer, Cham. 
  3. Nikolaenko, M., Tang, M. (2024). SpaceXR: Virtual Reality and Data Mining for Astronomical Visualization. In: Chen, J.Y.C., Fragomeni, G. (eds) Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14708. Springer, Cham. 
  4. Cory P. Haberman, Ming Tang, JC Barnes, Clay Driscoll, Bradley J. O’Guinn, Calvin Proffit,. Using Virtual Reality Simulations to Study Initial Burglary Investigations. American Society of Evidence-Based Policing’s 2023 Conference. 05.2023. Las Vegas. Nevada. 
  5. Raman, M., Tang, M.  3D Visualization Development of Urban Environments for Simulated Driving Training and VR Development in Transportation Systems. ASCE ICTD 2023 Conference. Austin. TX. 06. 2023
  6. Tian. J., Tang, M., Wang. J., The effect of path environment on pedestrian’s route selection: A case study of University of Cincinnati..  27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). Sydney, Australia. April. 2022.
  7. Tang, M. Human and Machine Symbiosis. An experiment of human and robot co-creation of calligraphy-style drawing, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2022, Proceeding book of 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 07.2022
  8. Tang, M., Hamaker W., Hu, Y. Interstitial Latency in Design-Build Architecture Education NCBDS 2022 conference. April 1-2, 2022. Municie, Indiana.
  9. Tang, M., Social distancing and behavior modeling with Agent-based simulation. CAAD Future 2021 conference. Springer Proceeding. 07.17. 2021
  10. Tang, M., Landis, M. Fixed shading device design with the performance-based-design and energy simulation. The 12th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). 2021
  11. Akman,T. Tang, M. Cyber-Physical Experiences: Architecture as Interface Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal. 2019
  12. Landis, M. Bhiwapurkar, P. Tang, M. Webb. A. Balancing Performance and Aesthetic: Data-Driven Design for Fixed Shading Devices. 2019 Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Conference. Toronto, Canada.2019
  13. Tang, M. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the architectural design education. 34th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS) 2018 conference. 2018
  14. Tang, M. From agent to avatar: Integrate avatar and agent simulation in the virtual reality for wayfinding. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). Beijing, China. 05.2018. 
  15. Marcu, M. Tang, M. Optical Illusions of Volume: Simulation-based form finding and fabrication. Paper proceedings book.106th ACSA conference at Denver, Colorado. 03.2018
  16. Tang, M. Hu, Y. “Agent-based simulation for crowd flow analysis“, 56th ACSP conference. Portland, Oregon. 2016
  17. Ding, C., Tang, M. Studies on Development and Color of Tibetan Palace Architecture. International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA). Sendai, Japan. 09.20.2016
  18. Marcu, M. Tang, M. Data Mapping and Ornament in Digital Craft. 2015 ACADIA Conference proceeding. Cincinnati, OH. 2015
  19. Tang, M. Computational Landscape. Data driven urban modeling with agent-based system. 2015 Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Conference. Chicago, IL. 2015
  20. Tang, M. Self-organizing city: Experiments using multi-agent model and space syntax.  2015 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS).  Washington D.C. 2015
  21. Anderson, J., Tang, M. Crafting Soft Geometry: Form and Materials Informing Analog and Digital Craft Processes. SIGRADI 2014 International Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay.   isbn: 978-9974-99-655-7. SIGRADI Conference Proceedings, pp. 183-186.2014
  22. Tang, M. Adaptive Skin: Data driven design and fabrication. Advanced Building Skins Conference Proceeding, Energy Forum. Bressanone, Italy.2014
  23. Tang, M., Auffrey, C., Lu,M. From Statistical to Diagrammatic. Geo-spatial & time based data visualization through parametric modeling. 4th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS). San Diego. CA.2013
  24. Tang, M., Anderson, J., Aksamija, A., Hodge, M. Performance-Based Generative Design, An investigation of the parametric nature of architecture. 100th ACSA Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. 2012 
  25. Tang, M., Vera, M., Anderson, J. Yeshayahu, S. Adaptive Skin: Performance Driven Design and Fabrication. 2012 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), College Park, PA. 2012
  26. Vera, M, Anderson, J., Tang, M., Yeshayahu, S. In-form: Towards a Design Science Revolution.  2012 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), College Park, PA. 2012
  27. Tang, M., Anderson, J. Information Urbanism—Parametric urbanism in junction with GIS data processing & fabrication. 2011 Annual Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Spring Research Conference. Detroit, MI.2011
  28. Anderson, J., Tang, M. Form follows parameters: Parametric modeling for fabrication and manufacturing processes. 16th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. (CAADRIA). Newcastle, Australia.2011
  29. Tang, M., Vera, M., Anderson, J. Representation and Realizing: a hybrid process of immaterial and material. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska. 2011
  30. Anderson, J., Tang, M., Vera, M, Yeshayahu, S. Parametric Thinking [Not Modeling] as a Generator. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska.2011
  31. Vera, M, Anderson, J., Tang, M., Yeshayahu, S. Re-Tooling the Logic of Design. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska.2011               
  32. Tang, M., Anderson, J. Mathematically Driven Forms and Digital Tectonic: A formula for realizing the digital. ACADIA 2010 conference. New York.2010
  33. Anderson, J., Tang, M. Interactive information model for digital fabricator. ARCC-EAAE 2010 Conference. Washington. D.C. 2010              
  34. Tang, M., Anderson, J. A Trace to Simulacrum: Blurring the Boundary between Art and Architecture, Proceeding of 2009 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference. p44-53.2009
  35. Tang, M. Math-Morph. Poster. Proceeding of 2009 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference. p396. 2009     
  36. Tang, M. City Generator: GIS Driven Genetic Evolution in Urban Simulation, Proceeding of the 96th ACSA Conference. 2008            
  37. Tang, M. Low-Cost Virtual Reality Aided Design in Architecture Education, Virtuality Conference, Turin, Italy. 2005         
  38. Lim, L., Jackson, L., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Zhao, Y., Fitzgerald, H. Presence in Informative Virtual Environments: The Effects of Self-Efficacy, Spatial Ability and Mood, Proceeding of Mass Communication & Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference. 2003
  39. Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Mou, W., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H. (2003). Effects of culturally adapted interfaces on learning and attitudes: Findings from the HomeNetToo project. Proceeding of the International Association for the Development of Information Society (IADIS) International Conference, WWW/Internet 2003, Algarve, Portugal. 2003
  40. Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Mou, W., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H. (2003). Presence, Learning and Attitudes in Virtual Environments: A Comparison between 3-D Spatial, Interpersonal and Standard Interfaces in Transmitting Health Information to Low-income Users. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 2003 (ICCE 2003), Budapest, Hungary. 2003
  41. Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Weimin Mou, et al. (Nov. 2003). Effects of culturally adapted interfaces on learning and attitudes: Findings from the HomeNetToo Project. Proceedings of IADIS WWW2003. 2003