Entries by Ming Tang

paper accepted at NCBDS 2018 conference

Ming Tang’s paper Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the architectural design education is accepted at the 34th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS) 2018 conference.  The 34th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student will be held March 1-3, 2018 at the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning at the University of Cincinnati. The theme […]

Virtual DAAP

Virtual DAAP extends to the discussion of technological constraints of VR such as field of vision, peripheral vision, and vestibular indices. The multi-phase approach starts with defining the immersive VR system, which is used for capturing real agent’s movement within a digital environment to form raw data in the cloud, and then visualize it with heat-map […]

Crowd Simulation through Multi-Agent Modeling

Use Agent Based Modeling to simulate large crowd behavior. way-finding and egress analysis. The research discusses experiential outcome in the application of crowd simulation technology to analyze the pedestrian circulation in the public space to facilitate design and planning decisions.  We focus on how to connect space design with agent-based simulation (ABS) for various design […]

Mixed Reality ARCH Studio

Architecture in the age of mixed reality. Spring 2017. Vertical Studio ARCH4002/ARCH8001 With the recent development of head mounted display (HMD) such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens, and powerful game engines, both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are being reintroduced as Mixed Reality (MR) instruments into the design industry. It is never been so easy […]