o4a AAA Partnership Award

2022 Outstanding AAA Partnership Award of the Year


On behalf of COA and Live Well, Ken Wilson (COA) and Ming Tang (UC)  received the AAA Award at the o4a conference. 10.20.2022. It is my great honor to represent Live Well as the co-recipient with the Council on Aging to receive the 2022 Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging Annual Partnership Award. Thanks to Suzanne Burke, Ken Wilson, Jai’La Nored, Anna Goubeaux, and many others from COA. Thanks to the Live Well EVRTalk development team (Faculty: Ming Tang, Matt Anthony; advisor: Craig Vogel, Linda Dunseath; Students and Live Well fellows: Tosha Bapat, Karly Camerer, Jay Heyne, Harper Lamb, Jordan Owens, Ruby Qji, Alejandro Robledo, Matthew Spoleti, Lauren Southwood, Ryan Tinney, Keeton Yost, Dongrui Zhu.)

Link: LWC Twitter