
Virtual DAAP simulation

Hololens. control material, lighting with gesture

Recent project with holographic model. control material, lighting with gesture.

Augmented Reality show at UC LiveWell

Recent project with holographic model exhibited at at UC Live Well Collaborative during IDSA 2017 Central Conference , hosted by the School of Design.



Publish a 3D scene for Oculus Rift

Publish Unity file for Rift. Download OVR file
[videojs mp4=”″ poster=”” width=”400″ height=”225″ preload=”none”]

DAAP Evacuation

DAAP Lecture Hall 4400 evacuation simulation. Thanks Laura Kennedy. Last person left the room is the brave faculty on stage!


Unity AI, Baking Light

  1. bake global illumination light in Unity, create new light in Unity

[videojs mp4=”″ poster=”” width=”400″ height=”225″ preload=”none”]

2. create AI controlled character, create navigation mesh

[videojs mp4=”″ poster=”” width=”400″ height=”225″ preload=”none”]

Four Urban Models from ARCH studio 8100

Here are four teams’ project from Future City Studio, using Unity Game engine to visualize large urban model. You can navigate by “W A S D” key, or Arrows keys in the keyboard. use”E” key to switch the map. use space bar to jump.

Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4

advanced Unity Workshop


Feb 27th. 1:30PM at 3430 DAAP UC.

VR workshop in DAAP. Unity3D For Real Time Rendering.

Here is another workshop we offered to all DAAP faculty and student on Feb 02. 2016. Taught by Michael Rogovin. The workflow from 3D modeling program to Unity game engine is covered. The workshop is sponsored by dFORM student organization, and supported by UC FDC grant.

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