DAAP Egress
- Create a new folder in your C: drive as C:/path
- Download the zip file and save in any place, unzip, and double-click the exe file.
- You will start your journey near a red robot. Please find a way to exit the building. Navigation: w, a, s, d for walking. Holding “shift” to run. “Space bar” to jump.
- Once you exit the building, you must go back to the red robot ( your start point). Then use “esc” key to show mouse cursor and close the program.
- complete a short survey.
- Your path will be automatically recorded as txt file located in C:/path/DAAP_path.txt file. If you want to run the program again, you might want to delete the old text file from your last run before you run the exe file again for a new test.
- copy all the data in your text file and past at the bottom of this shared google doc for Male. or Shared Google doc for Female. Please do not remove existing data in that file. we can compile it into paths. The data will be compiled and uploaded online.