Entries by Ming Tang

end of semester VR show at DAAP UC

We demonstrated how the virtual reality can be used to visualize the studio project during the “end of semester show” at UC DAAP. Five student projects were compiled with Unity Game Engine to construct a virtual urban square. Users can use mouse, keyboard and Oculus Rift DK2 to interact with the model. Thanks Jay Schairbaum , […]

new demo

demo 1.2. 12.06.2013. real time reflection added railing added basement added bloom added vignette added http://ming3d.com/FDC_VR/web7  

Real Time 3D in Unity

Publish a 3D model from Rhino to Unity Game Engine. The online example is available here. unityweb player need to be allowed. [flv:http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/video/game_unity.flv 400 318]

Bake AO, light, color, shadow to web3D

Option 1: Augmented Reality. Bake occlusion and lighting, shadow into texture image. Prepare obj file for real time Augmented Reality. [flv:http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/video/b22.flv 400 318] source file from an old tutorial: ambient occlusion. Option 2.  Web3D. create materiel before baking “color and light”. Make sure bake shadow option is on. then add model and texture to p3d.in. […]

Web3D tutotorial

Publish a Rhino model to p3d web format. [flv:http://ming3d.com/videotutorial/video/p3d-publish.flv 400 318] clcik the “share”button, copy the “self-hosted wordpress” iframe script to text editor. [iframe src=”https://p3d.in/e/ZKYML” allowfullscreen=”true” webkitallowfullscreen=”true” width=”400″ height=”318″]

UC Faculty & Students in VR workshop at ACADIA 2015 conference

link: http://2015.acadia.org/workshops.html Shane Burger, Director of Design Technology at Woods Bagot Ana Garcia Puyol, Computational Designer at CORE Studio Thornton Tomasetti 3 DAY WORKSHOP Location: TUC great Hall. DATES: 19-21st OCT UC Faculty Participation Prof. Benjamin Britton, Prof. Jim Postell, Prof. Julia Wang Prof. Ming Tang Graduate student Rogovin, Michael. Craig Moyer A group of […]