Basic Rhino

Tutorial about Basic Rhino Modeling.

  • Basic Rhino, transfer Rhino to AutoCAD, Boolean.
  • Grasshopper script to help fabrication in Rhino, GH script, Convert mass to frame, move each frame


Tectonic drawing

Set up camera view in Rhino

Perspective / isometric

Export view

Export Rhino drawing to Illustrator

Compose digital image with photo* in Photoshop, layer


* ( photo from Marrissa Zane, ARCH 202. Winter 2011)

Revit Curtain Wall

Interior lighting

Section Rhino model, then transfer the lines with “dxf” format to Revit, use it to

built mass

build  curtain system

Step 2: Create Revit Curtain Wall family

Load Curtain Wall panel into a project

step 3:
Advanced parametric control of curtain wall panel

Difference between type parameter and instance parameter

Set up the relation between ( width) dimension and its shape (extrusion)

use the reporting parameter.