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Unreal audio

import WAV sound into Unreal, control attenuation; use BP to play/stop sound.


Use Metahuman to create a customized mesh, and create animation with iPhone.

Notes not included in the video: 1. Glasses was added as a child object of eye-lashes 2. voice (wav) was added as an audio track in Sequencer 3. rendered image sequence was composed in Adobe Premiere with multiple video clips. 

The lightings ( key, fill, and hair)  was set to create shades like Rambrandt’s painting. 


From Twinmotion to Unreal

Transfer a Twinmotion file into UE 5.1. 5.2 using the new Datasmith Twinmotion Content plugin. 

This is only way to transfer Twinmotion to Unreal if you use UE5.2 or later. Please notice this process should work the same as future UE engines. You just need to make sure you create a new project using the “Architecture” template. 

step 1: create a new project using the Architecture template

step 2:  Activate the plugin

step 3: Add Datasmith asset

Please watch the following video for the entire process.  More detail in UE documentation. 

Step 4. Adjust the indoor lighting and material.

If it is only interior with no view to the sun, you can remove the volumetric cloud, sunsky system ( directional, skylight, sky atmosphere), fog.