Old News
This is a collection of the news posted in the past 12 years. 2005-2017 from my old website. some links are broken.
project selected in the ACADIA 2017
Our project “Augmented Coral” has been selected for inclusion in the ACADIA 2017 Proceedings. The project will be exhibited at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA on November 2-4, 2017 during the 2017 ACADIA conference.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2017-08-05)
AR Project won the AHSS grant
Collaborate with the College of Medicine, my project “Magic School bus for Computational Cell” won the grant funded by the 2017 AHSS and Integrated Research Advancement program at UC. The project will apply Augmented Reality technology into medical research and education. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2017-06-29)
Supporting Architecture in the Age of Mixed Reality
Column by Jennifer H. Krivickas @UC Library published in ACSA. At the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP), Prof. Tang is exploring with virtual reality (VR) to conduct research, make, and teach. Consequently the DAAP Library invested in a collection of “over the counter” VR viewers…
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2017-05-07)
paper in Urban Rail Transit Journal
Ming Tang published a paper titled “Pedestrian simulation in transit stations using agent-based analysis” in the journal Urban Rail Transit. 2017. Publisher. Springer.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2017-04-08)
Architectural Robotic Lab
Architectural Robotic Lab website launched. The School of Architecture and Interior Design received the 2016 Provost’s Technology Innovation Award and built the Architectural Robotic Lab at DAAP, University of Cincinnati.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2017-03-11)
SOFA Expo 2016
Ming Tang and Mara Marcu coordinated the gallery exhibition in SOFA Expo Chicago. ( Sculpture Object and Functional Art and Design). The exhibition featured works from faculty and students from School of Art, School of Architecture & Interior Design. Exhibition Hall. Navy Pier, Chicago. Nov2-6. 2016.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-11-07)
Paper in ISAIA
Co-authored with Prof. Ding, paper “Studies on Development and Color of Tibetan Palace Architecture”. International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA). at Sendai, Japan. 09.20.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-09-25)
paper accepted in ACSP conference
Paper titled “AGENT BASED SIMULATION FOR CROWD FLOW ANALYSIS” is accepted in 56th ACSP conference. Portland, Oregon. Nov. 3-5. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-09-25)
SOFA Expo in Chicago
Ming Tang and Mara Marcu’s installation proposal is accepted and will build on an installation in SOFA Expo Chicago. ( Sculpture Object and Functional Art and Design). Cheers!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-08-23)
ITSC renovation project
ITSC Interior Renovation. MetroLab Studio ARCH7005. Client: School of Information Technology. UC. Thanks all my students, SoIT, SAID, Metro Lab and everyone who involved.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-08-07)
paper in Blur: d3:dialog
Paper titled “”Digital Craft:New Mix of Process, Tools and Material” is published in Blur: d3:dialog, international journal of architecture + design.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-06-24)
Provost Technology Innovation Award
Christoph Klemmt, Ming Tang, Mara Marcu are awarded with $70,000 by the UC Provost Technology Innovation Award for advanced robotic fabrication research and teaching. Cheers!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-04-29)
Lecture in IACP conference
Ming Tang is invited to present a lecture in the 10th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference in Beijing China, on “Integration of Parametric Design with GIS”. June 30. 2016
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-04-29)
Virtual DAAP 3.0
3D visualization of DAAP building. Real time rendering with game engine. The prototype is available to download now.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-04-02)
Paper published in IJAEC
paper titled “Physics Simulation & Form Seeking in Architecture Design Education” published in International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Co-author with Mara Marcu.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-02-25)
One Chapter in the Book: Innovations in Landscape Architecture
Ming Tang has a book chapter “Data Driven Landscape” published in the new book titled “Innovations in Landscape Architecture”. The book explore digital technology, design processes and theoretical queries that shape the contemporary practice of landscape architecture. Edited by Daniel H. Ortega, Jonathon R. Anderson at Routledge.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-02-16)
Project accepted in 104th ACSA Conference
Co-authored with Mara Marcu, our project “Strange Loop” is accepted in the 104th Annual ACSA conference at Seattle, WA. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2016-01-18)
Virtual Reality in DAAP “end of semester show”
We demonstrated how the virtual reality can be used to visualize the studio project during the end of semester show at UC DAAP. Five student projects were compiled to construct a virtual urban square. Demo files are available to download.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-12-14)
Paper published in Perkins+Will Research Journal
paper titled “Urban modeling with agent-based system.” published in Perkins +Will Research Journal Vol. 07.02. Special Issue: Future of Architectural Research. 12. 2015.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-12-01)
paper shelter installation
Recent installation at DAAP, UC. Check out the HD video at Vimeo . Thanks for the hard work of all SAID students!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-11-17)
Crowd Simulation at ACADIA Hackathon
Ming Tang collaborated with Erin Morrow on the Crowd Simulation through MassMotion and Maya during 2015 ACADIA Hackathon.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-11-01)
2015 sustainable urbanism book online
2015 “Sustainable Urbanism. Study Abroad in China” book available online. Thanks everyone who contributed to the book! Thanks the support from UC Forward, UC International.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-10-10)
Projects accepted in ACADIA conference exhibition
Two projects “Transmuted Tectonics” and “Strange Wall” are both accepted in the 2015 ACADIA conference exhibition. Cheers.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-08-07)
Low Carbon City in China
Ming Tang lead the UC research team on the Low Carbon City research PINGDI1.1, granted by Shenzhen Center for Design. The research is exhibited at Low Carbon forum: Alternatives for Low Carbon City. Architecture and Life. (ALCCAL), Shenzhen, China 06/15-18. 2015.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-07-03)
Paper accepted in ACADIA 2015
Co-author with Mara Marcu, Paper titled Data Mapping and Ornament in Digital Craft is accepted in ACADIA 2015 conference. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-06-30)
UC & Qingdao Technology University Collaborative Workshop
Ming Tang presented lecture titled “Parametric and Data Driven Design” at University of Cincinnati & Qingdao Technology University Collaborative Workshop on Sustainable Urbansim. Qingdao, China.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-05-23)
Resilient City (韧性城市) Symposium, China
Ming Tang presented at Resilient City (韧性城市) Symposium. hosted by BJTU, UC, and BJUT. 05/08/2015. Beijing. China.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-05-16)
ACADIA 2015 conference
Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture 2015 International (ACADIA) Conference, COMPUTATIONAL ECOLOGIES: Design in the Anthropocene, will take place at University of Cincinnati. October 22-24, 2015.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-03-20)
paper accepted in SIMAUD conference
Paper titled “Self-organizing city: A bottom-up urban model using the multi-agent method and space syntax” is accepted in the 2015 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) at Washington D.C.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-01-23)
Exhibition in Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis
Exhibition:Repetitive Play. Merrick Anderson, Colin Klimesh, Ming Tang, and Broc Toft. at Emily Galusha Gallery. Northern Clay Center (NCC). Minneapolis, MN. 11.23.2014-01.04.2015.
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paper accepted in ARCC 2015 Conference
Ming Tang’s paper “Computational Landscape. Data driven urban modeling with agent-based system” is accepted by ARCC 2015 Conference at Chicago. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2015-01-13)
sculpture designed for UC Foundation
Here is a sculpture I designed for UC foundation in 2014. Thanks for the help from UC RPC, and Stratasys Object 3D printer.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-12-22)
strange wall exhibited in 2014 SOFA Expo in Chicago
Collaborated with Prof. Mara Marcu. “strange wall” project was exhibited in 2014 SOFA Expo in Chicago.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-11-17)
UC study abroad in China 2014 book
“Sustainable Urbanism, UC study abroad in China” 2014 book is available to purchase online. Co-edited by Ladan Zarabadi. and Ming Tang. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-10-09)
paper accepted in SIGRADI 2014 conference
Collaborated with Prof. Anderson, paper “Crafting Soft Geometry” is accepted in SIGRADI 2014 Conference. Design in Freedom in Montevideo, Uruguay. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-08-18)
summer installation at UC DAAP building
More than 60 concrete tiles are installed at UC DAAP building. Thanks Joe, Andrew, and all students participated!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-08-18)
presentation in EF conference
Ming Tang is presenting paper in Energy Forum, advanced building skins conference at Bressanone, Italy on October 28-29.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-07-05)
project accepted in ACADIA 2014
Project “Integrated work of MAN and MACHINE: digital craft as design agent” is accepted in ACADIA 2014 Conference. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-06-28)
Sustainable Urbanism, Study Abroad in China 2014
Sustainable Urbanism, Study Abroad in China. 2014. Co-taught with Prof. Auffrey, Wang, Lu, UC. “Future City” Symbolism with Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Technology. Spring. 2014.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-05-31)
Art2Make Exhibition
Ming Tang’s 3-D artwork will be exhibited in Art2Make, collaborated with Jonathon Anderson. Location: Center for Book and Paper Gallery at Columbia College Chicago, 2014.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2014-01-25)
Book available for pre-order
My book “Parametric Building Design using Autodesk Maya” is available for re-order at Routledge and Amazon now. Thanks for the great support from Routledge. Cheers!
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-11-23)
Student Won the First Place of ACSA Competition
UC student Trey Meyer from my Capstone Studio won the First Place of ACSA Fabric in Architecture Competition. Cheers!
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-09-28)
Free Book on UC 2013 Study Abroad in China
Read the book about our UC 2013 Study Abroad in China! “Sustainable Urbanism in a Global Perspective”. Free online.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-09-01)
dFORM project accepted in ACADIA conference
dFORM project poster is accepted in the “Prototyping Architecture Exhibition” at ACADIA conference! Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-08-28)
Parametric + None-linear Design Workshop offered in China.
毕路德参数化非线性设计培训班.深圳,中国. We completed an intense two-day workshop about parametric + None-linear design in BLVD China. 07.27-07.28. check out the exciting results!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-08-12)
ARCH 402 studio book online
Free e-book online, projects from parametric design studio taught in spring 2012. at School of Architecture and Interior Design, University of Cincinnati. Edited by Hans Koesters.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-07-10)
paper in ii journal
Paper titled “Parametric Computation: student voices on parametricism and design technique.” was published in the International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design. ( ii journal) Vol 1. 2013.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-06-14)
ARCC Journal
Paper titled “Performative Computation-aided Design Optimization” is published by Architectural Research Centers Consortium ARCC JournalVol 9. No 1.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-04-03)
UC dForm Competition winner announced
We are pleased to announce the winners of dForm / Niehoff studio competition. This competition is organized by dForm digital fabrication student organization at University of Cincinnati.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-03-03)
Paper in SimAUD Conference
Paper titled “From Statistical to Diagrammatic. Geo-spatial & time based data visualization through parametric modeling” is accepted in the 4th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). San Diego. CA.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-02-14)
Exhibition in 101th ACSA
project titled “Rule Based Computation & Generative form seeking” is selected in the poster exhibition: Genetic Systems + Non-standard Modes of (Re)Production in 101th ACSA conference in San Francisco, CA. 03.1-24.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-02-14)
Project featured in Book City Sense
Collaborated with Jonathon Anderson, our project is featured in the book “City Sense: Shaping our environment with real-time data”. Published by Actar.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2013-01-16)
surface conversations symposium
“surface conversations” symposium with Robert Aish, Michael Graves, Peter Eisenman. Please join us at University of Cincinnati.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-10-24)
paper: Re-Skinning published in P+W Resarch Journal
Paper titled “Re-Skinning: Performance-Based Design and Fabrication of Building Facade Components ” published in Perkins + Will Research Journal. Vol. 04.02
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-10-04)
Study abroad China spring 2013
UC Study abroad course for China, spring 2013 is open for application. Please check it out at Sustainable Urbanism. China.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-09-29)
Project featured in Book
Ming Tang’s skyscraper design project is featured in the book titled “Contemporary Digital Architecture: Design & Techniques”. Author: Dimitris Kottas. Publisher: Links.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-09-22)
Publication in AIA Forward 112
aper titled “Data Driven Transmutation: an investigation of performance based design and adaptive systems” is published in AIA Forward Journal issue 112. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-08-07)
Parametric Design workshop in Cincinnati
This Parametric Design workshop will be a two-day intensive workshop covering fundamental principles and concepts of using Grasshopper integrated within a performance driven design pipeline. The workshop will specifically demonstrate how to control the performance related data flow from Autodesk Ecotect, Vasari and Maya into the parametric modeling environment of Grassshopper. Open for registration now.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-07-09)
Grant Received
We are very pleases to announce two grant have been received from University of Cincinnati. $1,8175 from UC Research Council, and $9,200 from UC Forward to support our research and teaching in the area of Sustainable and Responsive Urbanism. PI: Prof. Tang (Architecture), Prof. Lu (Engineering) and Prof. Auffrey (City Planning).
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-07-09)
construo em bambu! America estrada do sol
It has been a few years since my folded bamboo concept was proposed in 2009. I am always questioning how an architectural concept can adapt to the local techniques via the refined, sometimes reinvented process based the unique context. I am so thrilled to see the bamboo structure been constructed by a team of talent people in Brazil! Congratulations to Daniel, Engels and Javier, Natalia.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-05-17)
Ming Tang’s talk in Autodesk Webinar in Facebook
With Glenn Katz ( Autodesk) , Chris ( Penn State), we disused the advanced visualization and rendering features in Autodesk� Revit� and Showcase, and explored how to create eye-popping views and visualizations in Revit and transfer the BIM models to Showcase for real-time rendering and to create interactive design presentations.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-04-22)
Math-Morph Wall exhibition
Math-Morph Wall exhibition. Center for Visual Arts at the Greensboro Cultural Center. Greensboro. North Carolina. 03.29.2012 . Jonathon Anderson. Ming Tang.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-04-04)
paper presentation in NCBDS 2012
Ming Tang presented the paper “Adaptive Skin: Performance Driven Design and Fabrication” in the National Conference on the Beginning Design Students” in Pen State.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-04-01)
Rhion News: Massive Grasshopper Attack
Rhino News: A massive grasshopper attack at the University of Cincinnati. Student tutorials from SAID 294 spring 2012.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-03-17)
UC International Grant
Ming Tang’s proposal “Sustainable Urbanism: An International Perspective� (China) won UC Education Abroad Program Development Grants, awarded by UC International . Co-PI: Christopher Auffrey, School of Planning,; Mingming Lu, School of Energy, Environmental, Biological and Medical Engineering.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2012-03-17)
Project accepted in ACSA Exhibition
Project titled “PERFORMACE-BASED GENERATIVE DESIGN” was accepted in the 100th ACSA “Digital Aptitudes” Poster Exhibition. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-12-26)
publication in Perkins + Will research Journal
Paper titled “PERFORMANCE-DRIVEN DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING: Design Computation and Fabrication” is published in Perkins + Will Research Journal. 2011. Vol. 03. 02. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-12-13)
project published by evolo skyscraper
A book from Evolo Skyscraper Book with my project featured. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-11-09)
paper accepted in ACSA 2012
Paper titled “PERFORMACE-BASED GENERATIVE DESIGN. An investigation of the parametric nature of architecture” was accepted in 100th ACSA Annual Conference. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-10-27)
2011 DAAP Faculty Show
Ming Tang’s experimental animation project “morph” was exhibited in the 2011 DAAP faculty show. at Dorothy W. and C. Lawson Reed Jr. Gallery. 09.29-10.26. 2011
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-10-18)
Sketch Exhibition
My “wire-frame” was selected in the Sketch Exhibition: March 5 – 12, 2011 Universidad de Monterrey Centro de la Comunidad Universitaria Monterrey, Mexico. While the perception and notion of what constitutes a sketch continues to expand, many designers are reconsidering and expanding upon the historical role of sketching. This emerging dialogue reveals unparalleled synergies between 21st century innovation and classical tradition.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-09-18)
survey of a new book
I am writing a new book titled �Parametric Design using Autodesk Maya� and would like to get input from Architecture & Interior designers� community. Please do this survey to share your views of learning Maya. Thanks!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-07-21)
Ming Tang on DAAP news
The University of Cincinnati�s Ming Tang recently won an Honorable Mention for a complex, mathematically based design � titled �Caged Thing.�
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-06-18)
Life of the Mind
Ming Tang is presenting in Life of the Mind in UC in May. Life of the Mind is a new annual series that highlights the innovative thinkers on UC’s campus with multidisciplinary interactions via provocations on important themes.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-04-18)
Won 10UP competition
Ming Tang, Jonathon Anderson won the Honorable Mention of 10UP 2011 Competition. The project titled “Caged Thing” is a mathematical driven form fabricated with triangular tessellation. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-04-13)
Self-sufficient City
Ming Tang’s project. “Reversed city” was published in the book Self-sufficient City. page 38. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-03-08)
POST-FACT exhibition
POST-FACT: Visualizing Information, an exhibit exploring emerging trans-disciplinary data visualization techniques, opens in Monterrey on February 22, 2011. Ming Tang’s project titled “Visualizing GIS Information through digital fabrication and 3D diagrammatic urban model” was exhibited. This exhibition was organized by d3.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-03-07)
dform, stand for digital fabrication of responsive materials in DAAP, UC, is established for the express purpose of exploring digital design and fabrication techniques related to architecture and allied arts. cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-02-17)
paper accepted in 2011 ARCC Research Conference
Ming Tang, Jonathon Anderson’s paper titled “Information Urbanism—Parametric urbanism in junction with GIS data processing & fabrication” is accepted by 2011 Annual Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Spring Research Conference. Detroit, MI.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-02-10)
paper accepted by CAADRIA conference
Jonathon Anderson, Ming Tang’s paper titled “FORM FOLLOWS PARAMETERS: Parametric modeling for fabrication and manufacturing processes” is accepted by the 16th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. The conference theme is Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2011-02-09)
Exhibition: Philip Meyers Memorial gallery, DAAP, UC
New faculty exhibition in Philip Meyers Memorial gallery in the University of Cincinnati. Nov. 16th, 2010.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-12-09)
Jury for d3 Housing Tomorrow competition
Ming Tang serves as the jury for d3 Housing Tomorrow competition. The competition calls for transformative solutions that advance sustainable thought, building performance, and social interaction through study of intrinsic environmental geometries, social behaviors, urban implications, and programmatic flows. Please participate!
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-11-10)
ACADIA Exhibition in Pratt Institute
Ming Tang, Jonathon Anderson’s “Heterogeneity: Math Driven Form Seeking + Fabrication” was exhibited in ACADIA Exhibition hosted in ACADIA 2010 Exhibition in the Pratt Institute School of Architecture, Siegel Gallery, New York City. 2010. October 21-24. Exhibition theme Evolutive Means: On Adaptation and Selection in Architectural Design seeks to augment the conference theme of LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variation In Architecture, by posing questions and addressing issues beyond those described in the General Call.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-11-01)
Interview. College of DAAP. University of Cincinnati
Ming Tang is interviewed by M.B. Reily, at the College of DAAP, University of Cincinnati.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-09-18)
First Prize of d3 natural system competition
My project Urban Rhizome, Agriculture network in Milan 2030 won the first prize of d3 natural system competition. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-09-02)
Paper accepted in ACADIA 2010
Ming Tang, Jonathon Anderson�s paper. �Mathematically Driven Forms and Digital Tectonic: A formula for realizing the digital� is accepted in ACADIA 2010 conference.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-07-21)
Tang & Yang Architects� proposal for Milan 2030 was exhibited in Milan 17-30 June 2010. Besides my firm, totally 15 well-known international design firms including MAD ( China), Guglielmo Mozzoni Architetto, Degli Esposti Architetti, AZ studio di, Rojkind Arcquitectos, BplusU, Ian + , Congoritme, NuMi Studio, Michele Moreno Architetto, Studio Shift, Void_7, Fraschini-Melgrati-Tonoli, Mystic Brain Region were invited to join this great design team organized by AUFO and PGT 2010.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-06-09)
Exhibition accepted in ACADIA 2010
Our project titled Heterogeneity: Math Driven Form Seeking + Fabrication is accepted to ACADIA 2010 Conference project exhibition. This exhibition was based on the research done in Mathmorph and digital fabrication projects in 2009. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-05-18)
Won TOGS3 competition
We won the honorable mention of TOGS3 competition for the Temporary Outdoor Gallery Space for Art Alliance Austin. There are 177 entries submitted from 20 countries in this year.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-04-22)
Exhibition accepted in SIGGRAPH 2010
Ming Tang�s research project named �Math, Particle and Field, a new way to generate architectural forms� was accepted in the SIGGRAPH 2010 Conference Poster Exhibition. The 37th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive techniques, in Los Angels.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-04-21)
Paper accepted in ARCC conference
Ming Tang, Jonathon Anderson’s paper, “Interactive Information Model for Digital Fabricator” was accepted in the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) conference in June 2010.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-03-22)
won Evolo 2010 competition
Ming Tang’s project, Interlock: self-sufficient skyscraper won the Special Mention Awards in Evolo 2010 skyscraper competition. There are 430 entries submitted from 42 countries in this year.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-03-08)
CNC and vacuum molding
Here is the process of CNC and vacuum forming we are working on. The foam sheet is heated and warped into the CNC cut molding.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-02-25)
AU online class
Here is the class I taught in AU 2009 conference in Vegas last year. The 90-minute video is available online at Autodesk University. The class focuses on Autodesk Maya� for Conceptual Design and Integration with BIM.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-02-15)
Exhibition work in Savannah Morning News
ing Tang’s “Mathmorph” series Exhibition is on Savannah Morning News. Article named “Art & Soul: Savannah College of Art and Design faculty exhibit work” by Allison Hersh.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2010-01-04)
Project featured in Jerusalem 2050
My “Landwalker” project is featured in Jerusalem 2050 website-envisioning a place of peace. As the winning entry of the international competition sponsored by MIT, this project pushes the imagination and challenge the view of the conflict and the conception of what is possible.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-12-08)
Project featured in the book Self-Fab house
Ming Tang’s project has been featured in the cover of the book Self-Fab house published by Actar. ISBN: 978-84-96954-74-8 The book is available for purchasing now.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-11-11)
Talk in Pech Kucha Night
Ming gave a talk about his latest digital fabrication project in Pech Kucha Night Savannah event, in S.P.A.C.E on October 1. Pecha Kucha means “the sound of conversation” in Japanese.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-10-06)
Present paper in ACSA SE Conference
Click to see the origenal image. Ming Tang is presenting his paper, “A Trace of Simulacrum
” in the 2009 ACSA Southeast Conference. The conference theme is “ARCHITECTURE is a thing of art”.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-09-30)
project published in Minimum Dwelling book
Ming’s Bamboo House project was featured in Minimum Dwelling book from LinksBooks. ISBN: 978-84-96969-77-3. The projects in this volume are testimony to the idea that less really can be more. Their intelligent use of space pushes the boundaries of what most of us would consider to be feasible living dimensions creating new forms and structures that meet the needs of a variety of situations.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-09-25)
Ever Present and In Motion Exhibition. ACA Gallery, Atlanta.
Ming Tang’s Mathmorph sculpture series are exhibited in the juried exhibition curated by the Savannah College of Art and Design: �Ever Present and In Motion.� ACA gallery in Atlanta: August 31-Oct 2nd, 2009; and Pei Ling Chan Gallery in Savannah: Dec 7th, 2009- Jan 15th, 2010.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-08-31)
Teach in Autodesk University
Ming Tang is teaching a class in Autodesk University 2009 conference in Las Vegas. This class will introduce core concepts for Maya 3D modeling and its integration with other CAD programs. The course will examine the design pipeline and demonstrate the strength of the powerful Maya modeling tools in the early design stage. Please sign up the class if you are join this great Autodesk event in Vegas! My online handout and lecture notes are available to download here.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-08-13)
Award in Urban Re:vision. Dallas
Ming Tang’s project, Dallas Eye won the special awards in Urban Revision: Dallas competition.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-07-09)
Special mention of Du(b)ailities competition
Ming Tang won the special mention of 2A International students and young architects competition. Du(b)ailities: Supra_global_culture �Jury described this project as ” large-scale visions showed a unique ability to capture the urban condition of Dubai, deal with large scale and engage in conceptual, technical and representational skills and unravel enormous potentials. They have demonstrated clear and much needed visions for future urbanism engaging systems of interconnectivity and networks.” cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-06-07)
20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards
Ming Tang’s Folded Bamboo project won the citation award in the 4th Cycle of 20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-06-05)
Math Morph Website Launched
This website document the ongoing research of Ming Tang on the digital fabrication, the biological and mathematical driven form generation, and digital representation. This research project is funded by 2009 SCAD president fellowship. The name Math-Morph combines the notion of �mathematics� with the notion of �morphology�.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-04-28)
Exhibition in SIGGRAPH 2009 Conference
Ming Tang’s City Generator project is accepted in SIGGRAPH 2009 Poster Exhibition. This years SIGGRAPH conference will be in New Orleans in August.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-04-24)
20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards
Our Geno-Matrix project won the 20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards. 2nd Cycle Citation awards. WA Award Winners posters are available to download online .
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-03-01)
Publication in California Home + Design magazine
Ming Tang’s project, Folded Bamboo House was published in California Home + Design magazine. 2009. Vol 1.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-02-17)
New York Times Publication
Our winning project of “Live the Box” has been published in New York Times. An article named “The Shipping Container as Building Block”. By ANTOINETTE MARTIN Published: January 31, 2009 .
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-02-13)
Interview with Charlie Rose
As one of the finalist in the Earth Awards 2009, Ming Tang was interviewed by Charlie Rose in The Earth Award Gala at the Four Seasons Restaurant on January 12, 2009 in New York City.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-01-22)
The Earth Awards
Ming Tang is selected as one of the ten finalists in the Earth Awards 2009. The Earth Awards is a global search for future-crucial design solutions that will improve our collective social, cultural, economic and ecological quality of life.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2009-01-10)
award winning project �folded bamboo house�
Ming Tang�s award winning project �folded bamboo house� has been published in several major Architectural / sustainable design web sites, including ArchDaily, Inhabitat, Treehugger, urbanpromoter, ecofriend, archiblog, tinyhousedesign, luminalive and many many more.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-10-30)
New book published
Ming Tang�s new book, “URBAN PALEONTOLOGY: Evolution of Urban Form” was published by Universal publishers. The book is available for purchasing in the bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble. Free sample chapters are available to download in Universal Publisher website. ISBN: 1599429497
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-10-18)
Winner of Live the Box competition
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang won the third place of Live the Box competition. Sponsored by AIA Newark, Suburban and the Young Architects Forum. It focuses on how to use shipping containers as the primary construct of an urban multi-family mixed use project. This is the third award we won in a month. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-10-17)
Won RE: CONSTRUCT competition
Ming Tang won RE: CONSTRUCT: Sustainable materials and building practices competition. His project won one of the eight honorable mentions. This competition is organized by Re:Vision.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-10-14)
Won Homeland Rehabilitation competition
We won the third place in Homeland Rehabilitation: Design Competition of Rehabilitating Wenchuan Earthquake-stricken Area, China. Home rehabilitation is not just to build temporary refuge, but to extend the habitation and traditional culture of original inhabitants.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-10-08)
Jury for golf�s tower competition
Ming Tang is serving as the jury for the international competition �golf�s tower� apartment building. ESPARQ. Sponsored by Arquitectum.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-09-03)
Chichen Itza publication
As the first place winner of Chichen Itza competition, Ming Tang and Dihua Yang’s project is published in the Arquitectum book: Landscape competition, Chichen Itza 2008, Lodge Museum, Yucatan, Mexico. An online version is available.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-08-14)
New Tang Yang Architects website
Tang Yang Architects website has been redesigned and the new version is launched at TYarchitect.com today.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-05-31)
Echo of art: landscape design in the age of modernism and post-modernism
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang�s paper, ECHO OF ART: LANDSCAPE DESIGN IN THE AGE OF MODERNISM AND POST-MODERNISM, was published in Urban Space Design journal at 2008 02 volume. The digital version of this paper has been published in more than one hundred landscape design websites and architectural forums in China.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-05-02)
won second prize in International Competition of Urban Streetscape Design
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang won the second prize of -Streetscape in a New World-International Competition of Urban Streetscape Design in China.The central feature of our urban landscape design is the development of a multi-functional urban structure that exhibits both modern and traditional Chinese value.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-04-02)
paper in ACSA conference
Ming Tang�s paper, “City Generator, GIS driven Genetic Evolution in Urban Simulation” is published in 96th ACSA conference proceeding book–seeking the city. Here is the official website of City Generator project.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-03-26)
We won the Just Jeruselm competition
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang won the Just Jeruselm competition. Our project LAND WALKER � THE MESSENGER IN JERUSALEM was selected as one of the seven honorable mentions. Organized by MIT, the goal of this competition is to generate new approaches to, and potential solutions for, the many complex, seemingly intractable problems that the residents of Jerusalem face on a daily basis. By looking at future possibilities for a pluralist, just, and sustainable city shared by Palestinians and Israelis, we hope to encourage new ways of thinking about the many difficult issues and hardships faced by Jerusalemites, regardless of their faith or ethnicity.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-03-21)
publication in eVolo Book
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang�s awarding winning project was published in eVolo book: SKYSCRAPER FOR THE XXI CENTURY. This book is an investigation by architects, students, and designers on the future of the skyscraper.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-03-21)
won the first place of Chichen ITZA museum design
Ming Tang and Dihua Yang won the first place of Landscape competition: Chichen ITZA Lodge museum design in Yucatan, Mexico. Their project named –Solid Negative: A dissolving form as part of nature— was selected as the first price from 202 projects submitted. This project will be presented in the Mexico in March 2008. The contest�s challenge is to give architectural shape to an element that, considering its location next to an important archaeological monument, is able to respect it while at the same time providing an important architectural presence.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-02-13)
Paper published in ACSA conference
Ming Tang�s paper, “City Generator, GIS driven Genetic Evolution in Urban Simulation”, is accepted and will be presented in the 96th ACSA conference, seeking the city, in Houston, TX in March. 2008.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-01-14)
Tower museum design project published in book
Ming Tang, Dihua Yang�s Immigration Museum Design project was published in the book –Urban Competition, New York 2007. Tower Museum in Manhattan.— An online version is available at Aquitectum E-book.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2008-01-11)
Lecture in the Museum of the City of New York
As one of the winner of New York 2007 Urban competition, Ming Tang gave a lecture in the Museum of the City of New York on Nov. 9 to present his immigration museum project in Manhattan. This award ceremony was organized by ARQUITECTUM.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-11-20)
Won First Place. Self Sufficient Housing
Professor Tang worked with Professor Dihua Yang and won the First Place of Self-sufficient Housing competition, Advanced Architecture Contes. The jury includes Greg Lynn, Yung Ho Chang. (Chair of MIT) and other international architecture celebrities. This competition focuses on the design of a �SELF-FAB HOUSE� using industrial or traditional craft-based techniques generated on the basis of the knowledge of the information age, such as digital processes, software-driven manufacturing, skills and know-how in the use of new or established materials, the strategic recycling of other chains of production or familiarity with the historical processes of the construction of habitats in natural environments, revised in the light of new standards of sustainability.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-11-19)
News published in SCAD
Two SCAD architecture professors, Ming Tang, Dihua Yang were recognized in international architecture competition, among the winners in the 2007 ARQUITECTUM Architecture Competition.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-11-01)
paper published in urban space design journal
Ming Tang and Dihua Yang�s paper �Reclaim the Industrial landscape: A Review of the Tide Point Project, Baltimore� was published by Urban Space Design journalat 2007 05 volume.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-10-04)
We won New York 2007 award
Ming Tang and Dihua Yang won the New York 2007 International Architectural Competition! The challenge of this competition was the installation of a new immigration museum to celebrate the new urban dynamic of global multiculturalism and interracial harmony of the 21st century. Our entry is one of the 9 honorable mentions from 280 submissions.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-09-05)
publication in L’ARCA in Italy
Ming Tang�s winning project for 2007 Skyscraper Competition was published in the L�ARCA magazine No. 226 issue. Featured paper: Agora / Dreams and Visions Skyscrapers 07.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-06-22)
Publication in Open House International
Co-author with Prof. Yang, Ming Tang’s paper, Real Time visualization was published in the Open House International Journal. Vol. 32. 2007. This paper discussed the influence of real time rendering, digital media and information technology on architectural design education.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-06-22)
Surface magazine interview
Ming Tang was interviewed by Surface magazine. In this interview, he talked about his project for Scion showroom design. This project was published in Surface magazine in 2007 spring issue.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-05-03)
The Chronicle
An interview of Professor Yang and Professor Tang was published in Chronicle newspaper on April 20 2007.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-04-24)
Enter Semifinalist in 2006 FEIDAD Award
I am very glad to announce my project �Genetic Evolution� entered the Semifinalist (Top 30) in the 2006 Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award. These projects were selected from 95 projects submitted from more than 20 countries.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-03-22)
We won 07 Skyscraper Competition !!!
I am very glad to announce Professor Yang and I won the competition of 2007 Skyscraper competition! Our entry was selected as one of the top eight �competition mentions� out of 295 projects from 57 countries. Cheers.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-02-05)
Working progress of Roof Generater
I am working on the MEL script to generate complicated roof structures. It will provide an interactive UI in Maya to allow users to play these forms in real time.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2007-01-20)
Scion Show Room Design
This design is not to display a static vehicle, but to visualize the energy of the vehicle in its movement. The experience of driving a Scion car along is introduced into the showroom and interpreted by architectural and interior design languages.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-12-05)
New video tutorial added
I just added several new video tutorials in my webpage. Please check out. Also, a new section of Maya MEL code lib was added in my research section.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-10-19)
changes of the server in Eichberg Hall
Due to the new update of server in Eichberg hall, students took my previous ELDS course can not access the folders I created in K: drive any more. However, I will move some resource links to ming3d website. Please check out the �links� menu on the top right of this page.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-09-21)
New TYstudio website launched.
Founded by me in 2003, TYstudio is a firm specialized in digital rendering and visualization. Services also include architectural design, interior design, interactive multimedia and web design.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-09-11)
Bamboo design website lunched
This is a website I designed to document my bamboo design projects I worked in the summer of 2006. There are many form study about using bamboo as building material.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-08-16)
New course in Fall 2006: Electronic Implementation for Urban Design.
This course introduces students to the use of computers for assessment and representation of the environmental landscape, as applied to urban design and development. The Geography information system (GIS) system is introduced. Data collection, assessment and synthesis are incorporated as components of the urban design and development process.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-08-03)
Bamboo architecture
a new blog website I created for a bamboo architecture project.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-06-26)
Flash Game
Here is a small guess number game I designed with Macromedia Flash. Enjoy…
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-06-06)
Genetic Evolution
This is a computing project I am developing to research using genetic evolution approach to generate 3D forms in urban design and architecture design. Spatial occupancy model and procedural model are used to simulate the cross over, mutation and selection process.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-04-27)
Lecture present in ACSA 2006 Conference
Lecture name: Virtual Reality in Architectural Education
in ACSA conference
Dates: Thursday, March 30, 2006 to Sunday, April 2, 2006 Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
my Lectue note, PDF (1MB) For more illustrations and VR screen capture, please check out my research>>VR menu.
(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-03-26)
Paper accepted in the Second International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design
Ming Tang’s paper: Real time rendering and virtual reality in Architecture Design was accepted in the Second International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design.
Computing in Architectural Design: Re-Thinking the Discourse
25-27 April, 2006 – School of Architecture and Design, American University of Sharjah, UAE
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-03-02)
Bay 14 student database
I just finished a prototype of online student database named Bay 14. It is a web collection of all the students took / taking my courses. Students can create their personal accounts and set up their profiles online. It is also a place to search classmates based on the course, quarter and year.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2006-02-12)
Won Miami Monument Competition
Ming won the second Place of Design Competition. Miami Monument. The competition calls for a visionary marker that will distinguish the Miami skyline from that of other great cities. Ming’s design: blooming architecture won the second place.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2005-12-10)
Paper present in Conference
ing’s paper Low cost virtual reality aided design for Archtiecture Education was published in Virtuality Conference, Turin. Italy. 2005. 11.
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2005-12-09)
04/15/ 2004 Prof. Tang was Interviewed with Alias Maya.
Maya for Design Visualization
After employing Maya and StudioTools in the industrial design and animation programs for several years, SCAD recently brought Maya into the architecture discipline where students are using it for interior and exterior visualization. Professor Ming Tang, of the architecture department, says the software is allowing students to start from the very beginning with a 3D plan, rather than creating 2D elevations and sections, and building up from there. “The polygon and NURBS modeling in Maya are extremely accurate,” explains Tang. “That helps the students learn very fast.”
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(uploaded by Ming Tang on 2005-12-09)