
Mixed Reality ARCH Studio

Architecture in the age of mixed reality. Spring 2017. Vertical Studio ARCH4002/ARCH8001

With the recent development of head mounted display (HMD) such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens, and powerful game engines, both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are being reintroduced as Mixed Reality (MR) instruments into the design industry. It is never been so easy for us to design, visualize, and interact with the immersive virtual world. As humans continue to design the virtual and physical worlds, how can MR bridge these domains?   Architecture strives to tangibly enhance humanity’s wellbeing through the design of complex systems.  As cybernetics increasingly interconnects the virtual and physical worlds, how will this relationship influence architecture and its physical context to solve complicated problems?

360 video

Future City Studio.  ARCH 8001. Spring. 2016

Parametric Urbanism, pioneered by Zaha Hadid & Patrik Schumacher Architects with support coming from advanced computational technology, has been the interest of architects and urban designers in recent years. This new design thinking has been used in projects ranging from large scale urban development to building design.

The studio presents a study investigating the data processing of Parametric Urbanism in the relation to the sustainable design. The studio emphasis simulated urban system and site information as input parameters. The research is defined as a hybrid method which seeks logical architecture/urban forms and analyzes its’ sustainability & performance. The studio project extends future urban system study by exploring, collecting, analyzing, and visualizing urban information, as well as using virtual reality technology for representing the information through various immersive environment.


workshop at IASDR conference

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for design research


IASDR Conference

Nov 2nd at 1:10 PM until 3:00 PM

Room 6221, DAAP, University of Cincinnati

With the recent development of head-mounted display (HMD), both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are being reintroduced as Mixed Reality (MR) instruments into the design industry. It is never so easy for us to design, visualize, and interact with the immersive virtual world. This session will investigate the workflow to visualize a design concept trough AR and VR. We will use virtual DAAP project as a vehicle to explore 3D simulation with mixed reality. Using the DAAP building at the University of Cincinnati as a wayfinding case study, the multi-phase approach starts with defining the immersive system, which is used for capturing participants’ movement within a digital environment to form raw data in the cloud, and then visualize it with heat-map and path network. Combined with graphs, survey data is also used to compare various agents’ wayfinding behavioral related to gender, spatial recognition level, and spatial features such as light, sound, and architectural elements. The project also compares mixed reality technique with the space syntax and multi-agent system as wayfinding modeling methods.

This session includes both a seminar and project demonstration format and develops techniques for VR and AR technology as they influence the process of visualizing and forming human and computer interactions. The session will discuss the connections among different immersive techniques for real-time visualization as a critical methodology in the design process. The session will also examine the current technical, physiological and cognitive constraints relate to the immersion and interaction in virtual reality and augmented reality.

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