An interdisciplinary approach to using eye-tracking technology for design and behavioral analysis
Eye-tracking Tobii workshop offered at CGC, DAAP, UC. 2019.
Eye-tracking devices measure eye position and eye movement, allowing documentation of how environmental elements draw the attention of viewers. In recent years, there have been a number of significant breakthroughs in eye-tracking technology, with a focus on new hardware and software applications. Wearable eye-tracking glasses together with advances in video capture and virtual reality (VR) provide advanced tracking capability at greatly reduced prices. Given these advances, eye trackers are becoming important research tools in the fields of visual systems, design, psychology, wayfinding, cognitive science, and marketing, among others. Currently, eye-tracking technologies are not readily available at UC, perhaps because of a lack of familiarity with this new technology and how can be used for teaching and research, or the perception of a steep learning curve for its application.
It has become clear to our UC faculty team that research and teaching will significantly benefit from utilizing these cutting-edge tools. It is also clear that a collective approach to acquiring the eye-tracking hardware and software, and training faculty on its application will ultimately result in greater faculty collaboration with its consequent benefits of interdisciplinary research and teaching.
The primary goals of the proposed project are to provide new tools for research and teaching that benefit from cutting-edge eye-tracking technologies involving interdisciplinary groups of UC faculty and students. The project will enhance the knowledge base among faculty and allow new perspectives on how to integrate eye-tracking technology. It will promote interdisciplinarity the broader UC communities.
- “Eye-tracking technology”. Provost Group / Interdisciplinary Award. $19,940. PI: Tang. Co-PI: Auffrey, Hildebrandt. UC. Faculty team: Adam Kiefer, Michael A. Riley, Julian Wang, Jiaqi Ma, Juan Antonio Islas Munoz, Joori Suh. 2018
- DAAP matching garnt $ 11,000.
Hardware: Tobii Pro Glasses, Tobii Pro VR
Software: Tobii Pro Lab, Tobii VR analysis

Test with Tobii Pro Glasses