Where can I find the password to access the tutorial?
You can find the tutorial password printed on Page 6 of the book. To access the new Maya library, you need the same password from book Page 6 to login to this “Portal Page”. The password for the new Maya tutorial is posted on the portal page.
Where can I find the password to access the “Learning Path” page on this website?
you need the same password from book Page 6 to login to this page. For individual tutorials, please use another password find in the “Portal Page”.
What is inside the tutorial?
Demonstration with screen-captured video. Maya file or MEL script is attached within these video tutorials.
Is the E-book available?
Yes. Please check out “eBook Ordering Options” on the right side of the Routledge book website. Amazon Kindle and Apple iBookStore.
Can I watch video tutorials through the iPad?
Yes. The videos on this website are optimized through YouTube.
What can I learn beyond this book?
The current tutorial library was designed for the company with the book, organized by each chapter. However, I do have a larger new video library, with more than 100 Maya tutorials, and other tutorials including Grasshopper and 3DS MAX for your future study. For the book readers, please find out your password in Page 6 and login “Portal page” to access the larger library.
I find your other tutorials beyond this book. Can I access them at http://tutorial.ming3d.com/ ?
Yes, you need the same password from book Page 6 to log in this “Portal Page”.
How to contact the author for further questions?
You can also find me on Youtube Channel.