Beijing Sites

Sites to see in Beijing

1. This site gives the top 10 sites to visit in Beijing with tips on how to plan visiting the sites based on anywhere between 1-4days. The day trips are classified according to geographical location so one doesn’t have to make a trip to the same side of the city more than once.  Travelling tips are provided including how to identify legitimate service providers from illegal ones (riding the black ‘illegal tour coach’).

10 Must See Places in Beijing

2. The next link opens to National Geographic’s list of must do’s in Beijing. They offer a brief description, mostly in the form of a review and a tip on when best to visit a place or what to do in a location to get the most out of the experience. One good example is the tip they give for visiting the Forbidden City, “to visit it early in the morning or in cold weather to avoid crowds.”

National Geographic, Beijing Must Dos

3. A slideshow of Beijing attractions and artistic features is given in the link below. It includes places one might seek out to visit and things that would catch someone’s eye along the streets of Beijing.

Beijing in Picture

3. See the innovative architecture that was brought to Beijing with 2008 Summer Olympics, including cctv headquarters, national stadium and national aquatics center.

Beijing Olympic Venues and Notable sites

(National Center for performing arts)


4. The last website I found gave a brief history of the site, description of its features and a table with information on ticket prices(where applicable), opening times, recommended time for visit(how long one should count on being there and how to get to the location by bus and / or train.

Beijing Attractions

About Akinyi Teckla

I am a junior in Xavier University majoring in Physics.
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