Forge Viewer

A basic introduction of Autodesk Forge. How to deploy a web app using Forge API to access BIM 360 data. Diagram.

This tutorial is based on view BIM360 model through Forge

I forget to mention it in the video. In order to deploy at MS Azure, you do need to add Forge info into the Application settings. This is similar to setting up “Environment Variables” in your local computer to run localhost:3000.

  1. Source code at Github ( node.js)
  2. Live Demo Deployment ( BIM360 login needed)
  3. Diagram

Revit Mass for concept design

1. Basic Revit UI, create a building pad on Toposurface, create basic massing models, and publish Revit in Autodesk Viewer.

The following is a more detailed breakdown of the massing model process.

2. Intro of Revit mass modeling, hotkey “tab”, and selection tricks.


3. Basic Revit Mass Modeling using solid and void geometry. add material, control line display, export as images.

A more complicated method is here at youtube.

4. more modification tools within Mass

5. using the Massing model to create a detailed model with floor, roof, wall. control visibility with VV, phasing, view range. Line styles and thickness override in VV. selection with filter. Curtain wall system, split face in massing model. Download Revit file Massing_TM

site model from Infraworks to Revit

General workflow of transfer a site model from Infraworks to Revit. Diagram.  You can also check out the old tutorial of site modeling with Revit or GIS.

A demo of using IFW to capture a site from Atlanta, Georgia, export FBX into Rhino to create contour lines. Then import into Revit to create a topo surface. Also, correct UV mapping in 3dsmax, and then export again into FBX and Rhino.



If you do not feel comfortable with 3dsMax, you can flip the image in Photoshop, then save it as a different image, then point to the new texture image in Rhino material.

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