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Books, peer-reviewed journals, conference paper, and publication with my projects featured:
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- Author: Tang, M. Hu, Y., Hamaker, W., Mitchell, E. Architectural Interventions. Design-build collaboration on the global scale. UC Press. 2021. ISBN: 978-1-947603-14-1
- Author: Tang, M. Parametric Building Design with Autodesk Maya. Publisher: Routledge. ISBN: 0415644461. 2014. ( 1,300 copies sold)
- Author: Tang, M., Yang, D. Urban Paleontology: Evolution of Urban Forms, Universal Publishers, ISBN: 1599429497. 2008.
Book chapters
- Tang, M. Chapter 1. “Design and Development for Virtual Reality-based Driving Simulation“. Edited by Heng Wei, Yinhai Wang, and Jianming Ma. Disruptive Emerging Transportation Technologies Published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2022
- Turan Akman, and Ming Tang. Cyber-Physical Experiences: Architecture as Interface. Virtual Aesthetics in Architecture: designing in mixed realities. Routledge, 2021.
- Tang, M. Section I. Innovative Tools. Data-Driven Landscapes. Edited by Jonathon Anderson, Daniel Ortega. Innovations in Landscape Architecture. Routledge. ISBN: 1072954 UK. 2016.
Peer-reviewed journal
- Cory P. Haberman, Ming Tang, JC Barnes, Clay Driscoll, Bradley J. O’Guinn, Calvin Proffit,. The Effect of Checklists on Evidence Collection During Initial Investigations A Randomized Controlled Trial in Virtual Reality. Journal of Experimental Criminology. 11.2023
- Tang, M. Adebisib, A. Using Eye-Tracking for Traffic Control Signage Design at Highway Work Zone. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding. Vol. 6, No. 2. 2022
- Tang.M. Shroyer.N, Cast-in-place Freeform Concrete with Big Area AdditiveManufacturing Formwork. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 10, No 2, June 2021, 12021005, 1-9.
- Tang. M. Visual Perception: Eye-tracking and Real-timeWalkthroughs in Architectural Design. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Vol 10, No 1, March 2021, 12021001,1-9.
- Tang. M. Analysis of Signage using Eye-Tracking Technology. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding. 02. 2020.
- Zhao, J, Xu,X. Tang, M. Green infrastructure planning for resilient cities: a case study of Norfolk GI planning. 01.2020. Urban Planning International Journal. ISSN 1673-9493,CN 11-5583/TU
- Tang, M. and Auffrey, C. “Advanced Digital Tools for Updating Overcrowded Rail Stations: Using Eye Tracking, Virtual Reality, and Crowd Simulation to Support Design Decision-Making.” Urban Rail Transit, December 19, 2018.
- Tang, M. Architectural visualization in the age of mixed reality. journal inForma. 11. Autumn 2018.
- Tang, M. Hu, Y. Pedestrian simulation in transit stations using agent-based analysis. Urban Rail Transit. 2017. doi:10.1007/s40864-017-0053-5
- Tang, M., Marcu, M. Physics Simulation & Form Seeking in Architecture Design Education. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Vol 4, No 4. 2016
- Tang, M. ,Jordan, T. Digital Craft:New Mix of Process, Tools and Material.Blur: d3:dialog, international journal of architecture + design. published by d3. 06. 2016
- Tang, M. Urban modeling with agent-based system. Perkins +Will Research Journal Vol. 07.02. Special Issue: Future of Architectural Research. 12. 2015
- Tang, M., Koesters, H. Parametric Computation: student voices on parametricism and design technique. International Journal of Interior Architecture + Spatial Design. Vol 1. 2013.
- Tang, M., Anderson, J., Aksamija, A.,Hodge, M. Performative Computation-aided Design Optimization. ARCC journal. Vol. 9. Issue 1. 2013
- Aksamija, A., Snapp T., Hodge, M., Tang, M. Re-Skinning: Performance-Based Design and Fabrication of Building Facade Components: Design Computing, Analytics and Prototyping. Perkins + Will Research Journal. Vol. 04.02. 2012
- Tang, M. Visualizing GIS Information: Digital fabrication and 3D Diagrammatic Urban Models. Assemble. d3 publications. ISBN:0615652700. 2012
- Tang, M., Aksamija, A., Anderson, J.,Hodge, M. Data Driven Transmutation: an investigation of performance based design and adaptive systems. AIA Forward Journal 112. 2012.
- Tang, M., Aksamija, A., Hodge, M., Anderson, J. Performance-Driven Design and Prototyping, Design Computation and Fabrication. Perkins + Will Research Journal. 2011 Vol03.02.
- Tang, M., Yang, D. Echo of Art: Landscape Design in the Age of Modernism & Postmodernism, Urban Space Design, 2008, Vol.2, China, p40-42. 2008
- Tang, M. Real Time Visualization, The Open House International, 2007, Vol.32, London, U.K, p7-16. 2007
- Tang, M., Yang, D. Reclaim Industrial Landscape, Urban Space Design, 2007, Vol.5, China, p28-33. 2007
- Tang, M., Zhu, W. Urban Text, The Foreign Urban Planning, 1998, Vol.4, China, p10.1998
- Tang, M., Li, F. An Evolutional Way for Urban Growing: “Cities with Soul” Project, Urban Age, 1998, Vol.6, China, p22. 1998
- Tang, M. The Architecture of Independent (tra nslation), Urban Age, 1998, Vol.6, China, p33.1998
Conference paper
- Ming Tang, Mikhail Nikolaenko, Evv Boerwinkle, Samuel Obafisoye, Aayush Kumar, Mohsen Rezayat, Sven Lehmann, and Tamara Lorenz. (2024). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Traditional Training vs. Immersive Training. In: De Paolis, L.T., Arpaia, P., Sacco, M. (eds) Extended Reality. XR Salento 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15030. Springer, Cham.
- Tang, Ming, Jai’La Nored, Matt Anthony, Judy Eschmann, Jennifer Williams, and Linda Dunseath. “VR-based Empathy Experience for Nonprofessional Caregiver Training.” In: De Paolis, L.T., Arpaia, P., Sacco, M. (eds) Extended Reality. XR Salento 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15028. Springer, Cham.
- Nikolaenko, M., Tang, M. (2024). SpaceXR: Virtual Reality and Data Mining for Astronomical Visualization. In: Chen, J.Y.C., Fragomeni, G. (eds) Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14708. Springer, Cham.
- Cory P. Haberman, Ming Tang, JC Barnes, Clay Driscoll, Bradley J. O’Guinn, Calvin Proffit,. Using Virtual Reality Simulations to Study Initial Burglary Investigations. American Society of Evidence-Based Policing’s 2023 Conference. 05.2023. Las Vegas. Nevada.
- Raman, M., Tang, M. 3D Visualization Development of Urban Environments for Simulated Driving Training and VR Development in Transportation Systems. ASCE ICTD 2023 Conference. Austin. TX. 06. 2023
- Tian. J., Tang, M., Wang. J., The effect of path environment on pedestrian’s route selection: A case study of University of Cincinnati.. 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). Sydney, Australia. April. 2022.
- Tang, M. Human and Machine Symbiosis. An experiment of human and robot co-creation of calligraphy-style drawing, HCI INTERNATIONAL 2022, Proceeding book of 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 07.2022
- Tang, M., Hamaker W., Hu, Y. Interstitial Latency in Design-Build Architecture Education NCBDS 2022 conference. April 1-2, 2022. Municie, Indiana.
- Tang, M., Social distancing and behavior modeling with Agent-based simulation. CAAD Future 2021 conference. Springer Proceeding. 07.17. 2021
- Tang, M., Landis, M. Fixed shading device design with the performance-based-design and energy simulation. The 12th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). 2021
- Akman,T. Tang, M. Cyber-Physical Experiences: Architecture as Interface Artificial Realities: Virtual as an Aesthetic Medium for Architectural Ideation Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal. 2019
- Landis, M. Bhiwapurkar, P. Tang, M. Webb. A. Balancing Performance and Aesthetic: Data-Driven Design for Fixed Shading Devices. 2019 Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Conference. Toronto, Canada.2019
- Tang, M. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in the architectural design education. 34th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS) 2018 conference. 2018
- Tang, M. From agent to avatar: Integrate avatar and agent simulation in the virtual reality for wayfinding. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). Beijing, China. 05.2018.
- Marcu, M. Tang, M. Optical Illusions of Volume: Simulation-based form finding and fabrication. Paper proceedings book.106th ACSA conference at Denver, Colorado. 03.2018
- Tang, M. Hu, Y. “Agent-based simulation for crowd flow analysis“, 56th ACSP conference. Portland, Oregon. 2016
- Ding, C., Tang, M. Studies on Development and Color of Tibetan Palace Architecture. International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA). Sendai, Japan. 09.20.2016
- Marcu, M. Tang, M. Data Mapping and Ornament in Digital Craft. 2015 ACADIA Conference proceeding. Cincinnati, OH. 2015
- Tang, M. Computational Landscape. Data driven urban modeling with agent-based system. 2015 Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Conference. Chicago, IL. 2015
- Tang, M. Self-organizing city: Experiments using multi-agent model and space syntax. 2015 Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS). Washington D.C. 2015
- Anderson, J., Tang, M. Crafting Soft Geometry: Form and Materials Informing Analog and Digital Craft Processes. SIGRADI 2014 International Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay. isbn: 978-9974-99-655-7. SIGRADI Conference Proceedings, pp. 183-186.2014
- Tang, M. Adaptive Skin: Data driven design and fabrication. Advanced Building Skins Conference Proceeding, Energy Forum. Bressanone, Italy.2014
- Tang, M., Auffrey, C., Lu,M. From Statistical to Diagrammatic. Geo-spatial & time based data visualization through parametric modeling. 4th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD). Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS). San Diego. CA.2013
- Tang, M., Anderson, J., Aksamija, A., Hodge, M. Performance-Based Generative Design, An investigation of the parametric nature of architecture. 100th ACSA Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. 2012
- Tang, M., Vera, M., Anderson, J. Yeshayahu, S. Adaptive Skin: Performance Driven Design and Fabrication. 2012 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), College Park, PA. 2012
- Vera, M, Anderson, J., Tang, M., Yeshayahu, S. In-form: Towards a Design Science Revolution. 2012 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), College Park, PA. 2012
- Tang, M., Anderson, J. Information Urbanism—Parametric urbanism in junction with GIS data processing & fabrication. 2011 Annual Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Spring Research Conference. Detroit, MI.2011
- Anderson, J., Tang, M. Form follows parameters: Parametric modeling for fabrication and manufacturing processes. 16th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. (CAADRIA). Newcastle, Australia.2011
- Tang, M., Vera, M., Anderson, J. Representation and Realizing: a hybrid process of immaterial and material. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska. 2011
- Anderson, J., Tang, M., Vera, M, Yeshayahu, S. Parametric Thinking [Not Modeling] as a Generator. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska.2011
- Vera, M, Anderson, J., Tang, M., Yeshayahu, S. Re-Tooling the Logic of Design. 2011 National Conference on the Beginning Design Student (NCBDS), Lincoln, Nebraska.2011
- Tang, M., Anderson, J. Mathematically Driven Forms and Digital Tectonic: A formula for realizing the digital. ACADIA 2010 conference. New York.2010
- Anderson, J., Tang, M. Interactive information model for digital fabricator. ARCC-EAAE 2010 Conference. Washington. D.C. 2010
- Tang, M., Anderson, J. A Trace to Simulacrum: Blurring the Boundary between Art and Architecture, Proceeding of 2009 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference. p44-53.2009
- Tang, M. Math-Morph. Poster. Proceeding of 2009 ACSA Southeast Fall Conference. p396. 2009
- Tang, M. City Generator: GIS Driven Genetic Evolution in Urban Simulation, Proceeding of the 96th ACSA Conference. 2008
- Tang, M. Low-Cost Virtual Reality Aided Design in Architecture Education, Virtuality Conference, Turin, Italy. 2005
- Lim, L., Jackson, L., Biocca, F., Barbatsis, G., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Zhao, Y., Fitzgerald, H. Presence in Informative Virtual Environments: The Effects of Self-Efficacy, Spatial Ability and Mood, Proceeding of Mass Communication & Society Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference. 2003
- Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Mou, W., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H. (2003). Effects of culturally adapted interfaces on learning and attitudes: Findings from the HomeNetToo project. Proceeding of the International Association for the Development of Information Society (IADIS) International Conference, WWW/Internet 2003, Algarve, Portugal. 2003
- Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Mou, W., Barbatsis, G., von Eye, A., Zhao, Y., & Fitzgerald, H. (2003). Presence, Learning and Attitudes in Virtual Environments: A Comparison between 3-D Spatial, Interpersonal and Standard Interfaces in Transmitting Health Information to Low-income Users. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education 2003 (ICCE 2003), Budapest, Hungary. 2003
- Jackson, L. A., Biocca, F., Lim, L., Bradburn, K., Tang, M., Weimin Mou, et al. (Nov. 2003). Effects of culturally adapted interfaces on learning and attitudes: Findings from the HomeNetToo Project. Proceedings of IADIS WWW2003. 2003